The Department of Agriculture is responsible for the administration of the Agricultural Product Standards Act 119 of 1990 and the related quality regulations published in terms of this Act. All carcasses and meat cuts of cattle, sheep, lamb, goats, and pork sold in the Republic of South Africa are subject to the regulations regarding the classification and marking of meat intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa (Government Notice No. R. 55 of 30 January 2015) as amended. The South African Meat Industry Company (SAMIC) is a regulatory, independent, and impartial third-party company which was established by the South African red meat industry, after the disbandment of the then Meat Board in November 1997. The national Department of Agriculture appointed SAMIC as an assignee, for the purpose of the application of sections 3(1)(a) and (b) and 8 of the Agricultural Product Standards Act 119 of 1990 with regard to the classification and marking of meat intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa and to oversee the implementation of the mentioned regulations. The regulations prescribe the classification categories of carcasses and regulate or prohibit the use of certain indications and claims on carcasses and meat in connection with the sale thereof.
- SAMIC auditors operating across the country perform these duties with full commitment to farmers, feedlots, abattoir owners, deboning plants, meat traders and consumers, ensuring 100% integrity in the product – beef, small stock, and pork. It is important that fraudulent activities are punished and that the playing field stays level for all the role players, at all times.
- SAMIC does independent ‘brand’ auditing on quality Indications at: farms, feedlots, abattoirs, deboning plants, and outlets. All these quality indications are registered with the Department of Agriculture.
- SAMIC does independent and impartial hides and skins audits for export purposes on behalf of the national Directorate of Animal Health, subjected to the Animal Health Act 7 of 2002 at abattoirs, Intermediate stores as well as at harbours.
- SAMIC does independent and impartial wool and mohair audits for export purposes on behalf of the national Directorate of Animal Health, subjected to the Animal Health Act 7 of 2002 at farms, wool and mohair stores, as well as export stores at harbours.
- SAMIC assesses meat classifier students after training by registered service providers to become qualified meat classifiers.
- SAMIC does independent inspections as appointed under the National Marketing of Agricultural Products Act 47 of 1996, sourcing slaughter figures at all abattoirs and also does inspections on hides and skins at all abattoirs, hides and skins stores, intermediate stores as well as hides and skins export stores on behalf of the Red Meat Industry Services (RMIS).
- SAMIC judges national carcass competitions on invitation of farmer associations who voluntary participate in the national carcass competitions, where the purpose is to demonstrate to producers what the market requirements and consumer demands are for red meat.
- Recently SAMIC has also started biosecurity audits of selected livestock auctions for the Agricultural Produce Agents Council (APAC).
Contact details:
Tel: +27 12 361 4545
E-mail: info@samic.co.za